Auto-regressive stochastic processes

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SDDP.jl assumes that the random variable in each node is independent of the random variables in all other nodes. However, a common request is to model the random variables by some auto-regressive process.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. model the random variable as a Markov chain
  2. use the "state-space expansion" trick

This tutorial is in the context of a hydro-thermal scheduling example, but it should be apparent how the ideas transfer to other applications.

using SDDP
import HiGHS

The state-space expansion trick

In An introduction to SDDP.jl, we assumed that the inflows were stagewise-independent. However, in many cases this is not correct, and inflow models are more accurately described by an auto-regressive process such as:

\[inflow_{t} = inflow_{t-1} + \varepsilon\]

Here $\varepsilon$ is a random variable, and the inflow in stage $t$ is the inflow in stage $t-1$ plus $\varepsilon$ (which might be negative).

For simplicity, we omit any coefficients and other terms, but this could easily be extended to a model like

\[inflow_{t} = a \times inflow_{t-1} + b + \varepsilon\]

In practice, you can estimate a distribution for $\varepsilon$ by fitting the chosen statistical model to historical data, and then using the empirical residuals.

To implement the auto-regressive model in SDDP.jl, we introduce inflow as a state variable.


Our rule of thumb for "when is something a state variable?" is: if you need the value of a variable from a previous stage to compute something in stage $t$, then that variable is a state variable.

model = SDDP.LinearPolicyGraph(;
    stages = 3,
    sense = :Min,
    lower_bound = 0.0,
    optimizer = HiGHS.Optimizer,
) do sp, t
    @variable(sp, 0 <= x <= 200, SDDP.State, initial_value = 200)
    @variable(sp, g_t >= 0)
    @variable(sp, g_h >= 0)
    @variable(sp, s >= 0)
    @constraint(sp, g_h + g_t == 150)
    c = [50, 100, 150]
    @stageobjective(sp, c[t] * g_t)
    # =========================================================================
    # New stuff below Here
    # Add inflow as a state
    @variable(sp, inflow, SDDP.State, initial_value = 50.0)
    # Add the random variable as a control variable
    @variable(sp, ε)
    # The equation describing our statistical model
    @constraint(sp, inflow.out == + ε)
    # The new water balance constraint using the state variable
    @constraint(sp, x.out == - g_h - s + inflow.out)
    # Assume we have some empirical residuals:
    Ω = [-10.0, 0.1, 9.6]
    SDDP.parameterize(sp, Ω) do ω
        return JuMP.fix(ε, ω)
A policy graph with 3 nodes.
 Node indices: 1, 2, 3

When can this trick be used?

The state-space expansion trick should be used when:

  • The random variable appears additively in the objective or in the constraints. Something like inflow * decision_variable will not work.
  • The statistical model is linear, or can be written using the JuMP @constraint macro.
  • The dimension of the random variable is small (see Vector auto-regressive models for the multi-variate case).

The Markov chain approach

In the Markov chain approach, we model the stochastic process for inflow by a discrete Markov chain. Markov chains are nodes with transition probabilities between the nodes. SDDP.jl has good support for solving problems in which the uncertainty is formulated as a Markov chain.

The first step of the Markov chain approach is to write a function which simulates the stochastic process. Here is a simulator for our inflow model:

function simulator()
    inflow = zeros(3)
    current = 50.0
    Ω = [-10.0, 0.1, 9.6]
    for t in 1:3
        current += rand(Ω)
        inflow[t] = current
    return inflow
simulator (generic function with 1 method)

When called with no arguments, it produces a vector of inflows:

3-element Vector{Float64}:

The simulator must return a Vector{Float64}, so it is limited to a uni-variate random variable. It is possible to do something similar for multi-variate random variable, but you'll have to manually construct the Markov transition matrix, and solution times scale poorly, even in the two-dimensional case.

The next step is to call SDDP.MarkovianGraph with our simulator. This function will attempt to fit a Markov chain to the stochastic process produced by your simulator. There are two key arguments:

  • budget is the total number of nodes we want in the Markov chain
  • scenarios is a limit on the number of times we can call simulator
graph = SDDP.MarkovianGraph(simulator; budget = 8, scenarios = 30)
 (0, 0.0)
 (1, 52.41944346212964)
 (1, 59.6)
 (2, 53.32095060479907)
 (2, 66.35298664485829)
 (3, 30.1)
 (3, 40.195600564927126)
 (3, 50.3333387062991)
 (3, 68.66505708549907)
 (0, 0.0) => (1, 59.6) w.p. 0.26666666666666666
 (0, 0.0) => (1, 52.41944346212964) w.p. 0.7333333333333333
 (1, 52.41944346212964) => (2, 53.32095060479907) w.p. 0.9545454545454546
 (1, 52.41944346212964) => (2, 66.35298664485829) w.p. 0.045454545454545456
 (1, 59.6) => (2, 53.32095060479907) w.p. 0.875
 (1, 59.6) => (2, 66.35298664485829) w.p. 0.125
 (2, 53.32095060479907) => (3, 30.1) w.p. 0.14285714285714285
 (2, 53.32095060479907) => (3, 40.195600564927126) w.p. 0.25
 (2, 53.32095060479907) => (3, 50.3333387062991) w.p. 0.5
 (2, 53.32095060479907) => (3, 68.66505708549907) w.p. 0.10714285714285714
 (2, 66.35298664485829) => (3, 30.1) w.p. 0.0
 (2, 66.35298664485829) => (3, 40.195600564927126) w.p. 0.0
 (2, 66.35298664485829) => (3, 50.3333387062991) w.p. 0.0
 (2, 66.35298664485829) => (3, 68.66505708549907) w.p. 1.0

Here we can see we have created a MarkovianGraph with nodes like (2, 59.7). The first element of each node is the stage, and the second element is the inflow.

Create a SDDP.PolicyGraph using graph as follows:

model = SDDP.PolicyGraph(
    graph;  # <--- New stuff
    sense = :Min,
    lower_bound = 0.0,
    optimizer = HiGHS.Optimizer,
) do sp, node
    t, inflow = node  # <--- New stuff
    @variable(sp, 0 <= x <= 200, SDDP.State, initial_value = 200)
    @variable(sp, g_t >= 0)
    @variable(sp, g_h >= 0)
    @variable(sp, s >= 0)
    @constraint(sp, g_h + g_t == 150)
    c = [50, 100, 150]
    @stageobjective(sp, c[t] * g_t)
    # The new water balance constraint using the node:
    @constraint(sp, x.out == - g_h - s + inflow)
A policy graph with 8 nodes.
 Node indices: (1, 52.41944346212964), (1, 59.6), (2, 53.32095060479907), (2, 66.35298664485829), (3, 30.1), (3, 40.195600564927126), (3, 50.3333387062991), (3, 68.66505708549907)

When can this trick be used?

The Markov chain approach should be used when:

  • The random variable is uni-variate
  • The random variable appears in the objective function or as a variable coefficient in the constraint matrix
  • It's non-trivial to write the stochastic process as a series of constraints (for example, it uses nonlinear terms)
  • The number of nodes is modest (for example, a budget of hundreds, up to perhaps 1000)

Vector auto-regressive models

The state-space expansion section assumed that the random variable was uni-variate. However, the approach naturally extends to vector auto-regressive models. For example, if inflow is a 2-dimensional vector, then we can model a vector auto-regressive model to it as follows:

\[inflow_{t} = A \times inflow_{t-1} + b + \varepsilon\]

Here A is a 2-by-2 matrix, and b and $\varepsilon$ are 2-by-1 vectors.

model = SDDP.LinearPolicyGraph(;
    stages = 3,
    sense = :Min,
    lower_bound = 0.0,
    optimizer = HiGHS.Optimizer,
) do sp, t
    @variable(sp, 0 <= x <= 200, SDDP.State, initial_value = 200)
    @variable(sp, g_t >= 0)
    @variable(sp, g_h >= 0)
    @variable(sp, s >= 0)
    @constraint(sp, g_h + g_t == 150)
    c = [50, 100, 150]
    @stageobjective(sp, c[t] * g_t)
    # =========================================================================
    # New stuff below Here
    # Add inflow as a state
    @variable(sp, inflow[1:2], SDDP.State, initial_value = 50.0)
    # Add the random variable as a control variable
    @variable(sp, ε[1:2])
    # The equation describing our statistical model
    A = [0.8 0.2; 0.2 0.8]
        [i = 1:2],
        inflow[i].out == sum(A[i, j] * inflow[j].in for j in 1:2) + ε[i],
    # The new water balance constraint using the state variable
    @constraint(sp, x.out == - g_h - s + inflow[1].out + inflow[2].out)
    # Assume we have some empirical residuals:
    Ω₁ = [-10.0, 0.1, 9.6]
    Ω₂ = [-10.0, 0.1, 9.6]
    Ω = [(ω₁, ω₂) for ω₁ in Ω₁ for ω₂ in Ω₂]
    SDDP.parameterize(sp, Ω) do ω
        JuMP.fix(ε[1], ω[1])
        JuMP.fix(ε[2], ω[2])
A policy graph with 3 nodes.
 Node indices: 1, 2, 3