Simulate using a different sampling scheme

By default, SDDP.simulate will simulate the policy using the distributions of noise terms that were defined when the model was created. We call these in-sample simulations. However, in general the in-sample distributions are an approximation of some underlying probability model which we term the true process. Therefore, SDDP.jl makes it easy to simulate the policy using different probability distributions.

To demonstrate the different ways of simulating the policy, we're going to use the model from the tutorial Markovian policy graphs.

julia> using SDDP, HiGHS

julia> Ω = [
           (inflow = 0.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.5),
           (inflow = 50.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.0),
           (inflow = 100.0, fuel_multiplier = 0.75),
3-element Vector{@NamedTuple{inflow::Float64, fuel_multiplier::Float64}}:
 (inflow = 0.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.5)
 (inflow = 50.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.0)
 (inflow = 100.0, fuel_multiplier = 0.75)

julia> model = SDDP.MarkovianPolicyGraph(
           transition_matrices = Array{Float64, 2}[
               [0.75 0.25],
               [0.75 0.25; 0.25 0.75],
           sense = :Min,
           lower_bound = 0.0,
           optimizer = HiGHS.Optimizer,
       ) do subproblem, node
           # Unpack the stage and Markov index.
           t, markov_state = node
           # Define the state variable.
           @variable(subproblem, 0 <= volume <= 200, SDDP.State, initial_value = 200)
           # Define the control variables.
           @variables(subproblem, begin
               thermal_generation >= 0
               hydro_generation >= 0
               hydro_spill >= 0
           # Define the constraints
           @constraints(subproblem, begin
               volume.out == + inflow - hydro_generation - hydro_spill
               thermal_generation + hydro_generation == 150.0
           # Note how we can use `markov_state` to dispatch an `if` statement.
           probability = if markov_state == 1  # wet climate state
               [1 / 6, 1 / 3, 1 / 2]
           else  # dry climate state
               [1 / 2, 1 / 3, 1 / 6]
           fuel_cost = [50.0, 100.0, 150.0]
           SDDP.parameterize(subproblem, Ω, probability) do ω
               JuMP.fix(inflow, ω.inflow)
                   ω.fuel_multiplier * fuel_cost[t] * thermal_generation,
A policy graph with 5 nodes.
 Node indices: (1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1), (3, 2)

julia> SDDP.train(model; iteration_limit = 10, print_level = 0);

In-sample Monte Carlo simulation

To simulate the policy using the data defined when model was created, use SDDP.InSampleMonteCarlo.

julia> simulations = SDDP.simulate(
           sampling_scheme = SDDP.InSampleMonteCarlo(),

julia> sort(unique([data[:noise_term] for sim in simulations for data in sim]))
3-element Vector{@NamedTuple{inflow::Float64, fuel_multiplier::Float64}}:
 (inflow = 0.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.5)
 (inflow = 50.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.0)
 (inflow = 100.0, fuel_multiplier = 0.75)

Out-of-sample Monte Carlo simulation

Instead of using the in-sample data, we can perform an out-of-sample simulation of the policy using the SDDP.OutOfSampleMonteCarlo sampling scheme.

For each node, the SDDP.OutOfSampleMonteCarlo needs to define a new distribution for the transition probabilities between nodes in the policy graph, and a new distribution for the stagewise independent noise terms.


The support of the distribution for the stagewise independent noise terms does not have to be the same as the in-sample distributions.

julia> sampling_scheme = SDDP.OutOfSampleMonteCarlo(model) do node
           stage, markov_state = node
           if stage == 0
               # Called from the root node. Transition to (1, 1) with probability 1.0.
               # Only return the list of children, _not_ a list of noise terms.
               return [SDDP.Noise((1, 1), 1.0)]
           elseif stage == 3
               # Called from the final node. Return an empty list for the children,
               # and a single, deterministic realization for the noise terms.
               children = SDDP.Noise[]
               noise_terms = [SDDP.Noise((inflow = 75.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.2), 1.0)]
               return children, noise_terms
               # Called from a normal node. Return the in-sample distribution for the
               # noise terms, but modify the transition probabilities so that the
               # Markov switching probability is now 50%.
               probability = markov_state == 1 ? [1/6, 1/3, 1/2] : [1/2, 1/3, 1/6]
               # Note: `Ω` is defined at the top of this page of documentation
               noise_terms = [SDDP.Noise(ω, p) for (ω, p) in zip(Ω, probability)]
               children = [
                   SDDP.Noise((stage + 1, 1), 0.5), SDDP.Noise((stage + 1, 2), 0.5)
               return children, noise_terms

julia> simulations = SDDP.simulate(model, 1; sampling_scheme = sampling_scheme);

julia> simulations[1][3][:noise_term]
(inflow = 75.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.2)

Alternatively, if you only want to modify the stagewise independent noise terms, pass use_insample_transition = true.

julia> sampling_scheme = SDDP.OutOfSampleMonteCarlo(
           use_insample_transition = true
       ) do node
       stage, markov_state = node
           if stage == 3
               # Called from the final node. Return a single, deterministic
               # realization for the noise terms. Don't return the children because we
               # use the in-sample data.
               return [SDDP.Noise((inflow = 65.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.1), 1.0)]
               # Called from a normal node. Return the in-sample distribution for the
               # noise terms. Don't return the children because we use the in-sample
               # data.
               probability = markov_state == 1 ? [1/6, 1/3, 1/2] : [1/2, 1/3, 1/6]
               # Note: `Ω` is defined at the top of this page of documentation
               return [SDDP.Noise(ω, p) for (ω, p) in zip(Ω, probability)]

julia> simulations = SDDP.simulate(model, 1; sampling_scheme = sampling_scheme);

julia> simulations[1][3][:noise_term]
(inflow = 65.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.1)

Historical simulation

Instead of performing a Monte Carlo simulation like the previous tutorials, we may want to simulate one particular sequence of noise realizations. This historical simulation can also be conducted by passing a SDDP.Historical sampling scheme to the sampling_scheme keyword of the SDDP.simulate function.

We can confirm that the historical sequence of nodes was visited by querying the :node_index key of the simulation results.

julia> simulations = SDDP.simulate(
           sampling_scheme = SDDP.Historical(
               # Note: `Ω` is defined at the top of this page of documentation
               [((1, 1), Ω[1]), ((2, 2), Ω[3]), ((3, 1), Ω[2])],

julia> [stage[:node_index] for stage in simulations[1]]
3-element Vector{Tuple{Int64, Int64}}:
 (1, 1)
 (2, 2)
 (3, 1)

You can also pass a vector of scenarios, which are sampled sequentially:

julia> sampling_scheme = SDDP.Historical(
                   ((1,1), (inflow = 65.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.1)),
                   ((2,2), (inflow = 10.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.4)), # Can be out-of-sample
                   ((3,1), (inflow = 65.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.1)),
                   ((1,1), (inflow = 65.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.1)),
                   ((2,2), (inflow = 100.0, fuel_multiplier = 0.75)),
                   ((3,1), (inflow = 0.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.5)),
A Historical sampler with 2 scenarios sampled sequentially.

Or a vector of scenarios and a corresponding vector of probabilities so that the historical scenarios are sampled probabilistically:

julia> sampling_scheme = SDDP.Historical(
                   ((1,1), (inflow = 65.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.1)),
                   ((2,2), (inflow = 10.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.4)), # Can be out-of-sample
                   ((3,1), (inflow = 65.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.1)),
                   ((1,1), (inflow = 65.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.1)),
                   ((2,2), (inflow = 100.0, fuel_multiplier = 0.75)),
                   ((3,1), (inflow = 0.0, fuel_multiplier = 1.5)),
           [0.3, 0.7],
A Historical sampler with 2 scenarios sampled probabilistically.

Your sample space doesn't have to be a NamedTuple. It an be any Julia type! Use a Vector if that is easier, or define your own struct.